Hi. This is my first venture in blogging… in fact I believe this is my first post ever on a blog of any kind. I’m embarrassed to some extent considering I have a career in computers, am a forum rat to some extent, and have been telling folks I’ll post a website and pictures for years. It’s time though…
I’m known to be a horrible exaggerator, which I don’t deny… but I feel its a habit that has come from being the type of person to forget or for some reason not bother to take pictures or to journal and record experiences. I’m one to dwell on experiences internally and soak them up as they are happening (good and bad), but always regret not recording them in some way. When I get excited about something, a hyper gene in me takes over (get it from my mom) and I go overboard trying to express how cool some thing or experience was. Without some witness, picture, or record, it tends to become an exaggeration, a memory that dissipates… ugh.. a frustration too in that I can’t express to someone what it meant to me.
Well, it’s time… if for no one but myself, to make use of such a fantastic medium as a blog, to record and journal what means so much to me – life, people, passions, stupid day to day tid bits, family, friends, images… you know, usual stuff.
you’re not a horrible exaggerator. you’re actually really good at it. blog looks good, eddie showcase. 😉